Unconsciously,I have been studying at the university for three years.In these three years,In addition to studying in the school for three years, I also realized that a group of friends and some friends were originally my high school classmates. I think this is the fate of it.In the next year, I will leave this university. Although the four-year period is short and not long, MUST is the only university in my life and a place for me to grow.
Finally, although many people around me say that MUST is not a good university, in my mind MUST is no worse than any other university.And I hope my college classmates and I will be able to find a job or go on to college after graduation, and MUST, can become a more and more powerful university.

My Favorite Comics


My Favorite Comics is ONE PIECE.In my impression, the first time I saw a thief was in my fifth grade.It was because my classmates recommended it to me and then I fell in love with ONE PIECE.The story is mainly about the protagonist(Luffy)who wants to be the king of thieves and goes out to sea to find a companion.Set up the grass hat sea thief regiment.Partners include Zoro、Nami、Usopp、Sanji、Chopper、Robin、Franky、Brook.

Why do I like the ONE PIECE? The main reason is that I think that besides being very hot blood, there are also many moving moment about friendship and affection in the story. ONE PIECE has also taught me a lot about how to be a human being.ONE PIECE is also the first comics to make me cry.Next I want to say that I wrap my favourite character in One Piece.


This is my favorite character in ONE PIECE,he name Zoro.He is also a member of grass hat sea thief regiment. His positions on the ship are combatants and deputy captains.He is also the protagonist’s first companion invited to join the ship.Why do I love this character?Because his dream in the story is to become the world’s top swordsman, he does not say that he will exercise himself every day. The most impressive scene in my life is during the first part of the story. He really met the world’s top swordsman(Mihawk), he knew little about winning, but he did not escape. Although he lost in the end, he did not give up on this dream. It was the first time he cried. He said aloud, I will not lose anymore. That scene made me deeply fall in love with this character.

Unconsciously, ONE PIECE has spent more than ten years with me. It is not only a set of comics in my heart, but a confidant who taught me many things.

About Me

l am Leo and l was born in Macau.l feel l am slow-to-warm-up people because I don’t say much to people I don’t know.But the familiar people, I say anything.So everyone who knows me thinks I’m a normal person when I’m not familiar, but when I do, I’m a maniac.

My interest is more special. My interest is collecting game cards.Why do I like to collect game cards? In fact, I used to collect figure, but later I found that I bought a lot of them, and there was no more room to put them in my house.In my second year in high school, an unintentional situation led me to touch the card, and then I liked to collect the card, and instead of the collection model.Because I love One Piece so much, the cards I collect are almost all of them.

And I love traveling with friends, because I like to go to different places with friends, to experience different cultures, to eat special local food, to live in a different way of life.I hope I can go to more different places in the future.


My Holiday

During the summer vacation, I went for a one-week trip with a friend of my college. Because we all wanted to go to some cities that were not urbanized, so we chose Guilin.The first impression that Guilin gave to me is what the book says. Its scenery is beautiful. But when I went Guilin, the impression was that the air of Guilin is very fresh except for the beautiful scenery. The people in the Guilin are very good and honest.To many Guilin attractions, the most impressive sights really a lot, but I prefer over the mountain view, so I love the most in attractions is Longji terrace, it is a must to sit a few hours’ drive to the place.It can be said to be a paradise on earth, because it is far away from the center of the city, surrounded by woods, where it has been there for 3 days. I really like it. Besides the mountain scenes I like very much, people and air are very good, and there are also minorities living there.Really, Guilin is really a good place, and I hope I can travel to Guilin again.

My High School Classmates


There are my high school classmate.They’ve been with me for two years in high school.It was just two years, but they were the most treasured classmate I had in high school.We have a lot of good memories.Although we didn’t go on a graduation trip together, we had memories of going to military training and youth camps together.The picture shows us taking a big photo of ourselves at the youth camp.The person at the bottom of the right is my head teacher and my English teacher. She is a very good person for teacher and often helps students with learning problems.Our class is very United, although after many years, but we will meet up,often meet out for dinner.We also established a team at WeChat and used to contact each other.In this class, I also know my best friends,and my first love happened in this class.She’s in the picture, just let yourself guess.Although we all graduated from high school now, we all strive for our own goals.Although we all graduated from high school now, we also strive for our own goals.I hope each of us can achieve our goals.Finally, look forward to our next meeting.

Elderly People-My Esteemed Grandmother


This is my grandmother and grandfather.Today,I’m going to say my grandmother, she’s a very friendly person, and that’s why she has a lot of friends,She was very good to her children and grandchildren, friends and even strangers.When a friend needs help, she always tries to help me. She always encourages me. She also asks me to bring a girlfriend to see her quickly, because she has been sick for nearly ten years and has been brushing away with death many times. But she beat death again and again, but she had to lie in bed and be cared for, so she was lonely.But it was a pity that I could not fulfill her wish, for she had been taken away by death all the time in March of last year, when I was very depressed and angry at why I did not visit her often during the time she was still there.In a twinkling of an eye, she had been gone for a year, and I had visited her only a few weeks earlier.Although I don’t have a girlfriend yet, I promised her that when I had a girlfriend, I would bring her to see my grandmother.Finally, she is also one of my most respected people, I hope she can live happily in heaven without any illness.





This is my cousin.When he was still very few, I enjoyed playing with him very much, because he was very cute.Unwittingly, my cousin is 6 years old.Although he is 6 years old, I still enjoy playing with him.


The one on the right is my cousin. She is also very cute. The two of them will have a lot of interesting things if they play together. For example, once they quarrelled for a toy, they ignored each other, and when they snack, they would share with each other.So every time they are together, they make people very happy.


Looking at their hands, the picture is very interesting. It reminds me of the innocence when I was young, and they are obviously angry at each other. But They will join hands hand in hand. At last, I hope they can grow healthily.

My Friend


These are my best friends,They’re all my classmates in Secondary two.Why can we be friends? Now it’s amazing to think about it.At first we were all just classmates. One day on our way home from school, l saw the friend from the right go home, and then we went home together. After a while, we saw other people.Then after school together, the future days we also back home together, after a semester, we have become very good friends to the present.In a twinkling of an eye, our friendship has been around for almost eight years.I hope our friendship will be a good friend until we are old.

My Family


There are five people in my family.The upper left is my father. He is also the man I admire most. Because he only has to make up his mind and he will do his best to do it.The middle one is my mother, and she is the best woman in my heart, because she will leave her children better than her.The upper right is my little bother,he has artistic talent, but he also has an artist’s temper.The one at the bottom of the right is my older sister, and she is the second best woman to me in my heart. Although she often scolds me, she always tries to help me out when I am in trouble.At the bottom of the left is me. Although I don’t have any advantages, but my only pride is that I am a dutiful son.And I’m very proud of myself living in this family.

Chinese New Year


Before the Chinese New Year, I went to Hong Kong one day with my friend and went to the One Piece restaurant Hong Kong where I had always wanted to go.And l bought the new shoes.


The first day of Chinese New Year , I go to my hometown– Zhongshan with my family.Ate some hometown snacks, and went to my hometown of the crop picked some vegetables and fruits.

In the Chinese New Year , I also ate the Chinese gethering  meal with my best friends and college friends.


In Chinese New Year, the happiest can be received the red packet , the picture is the red packet I received in this year, and this year is received the most red packet.